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Why a Breast Lift Is a Great Addition to Every Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Breast Lift

A breast lift is the ideal breast rejuvenation procedure. By eliminating sagging skin, lifting the tissue into a more pleasing position, and restoring nipple placement, a breast lift can turn back the clock on aging breasts. This blog discusses combining breast surgeries for best results, what a breast lift can do, and what procedures can be combined with breast lift surgery.

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Combining Breast Surgeries for Best Results

In today’s world, the look you desire is likely achievable. There are several available cosmetic breast surgery options, each one catering to different concerns. Whether you want to increase the volume of your breasts, switch out or remove old breast implants, lift sagging breasts, or reduce the size of your breasts, there is a breast procedure out there that will fit your needs.

Many women looking to undergo cosmetic breast surgery can actually benefit from combining breast procedures. The breast lift, in particular, is a procedure that makes a great addition to every breast surgery option. Lots of women prefer having their breasts at a high position on the chest, as this gives a perky and youthful look. A breast lift can elevate the breasts alongside whatever breast surgery you want.

What Can a Breast Lift Do?

If you want to lift sagging breasts, correct downward-facing nipples, and eliminate the appearance of deflated breasts, you may be an excellent candidate for breast lift surgery. As the years go by, it’s common to lose skin elasticity and experience weight fluctuations. Many women also experience changes in their breasts during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Slight breast sagging is inevitable as we age and our bodies undergo various changes, but you don’t have to keep living with deflated, sagging breasts if you don’t want to. If you’re bothered by saggy breasts weighing you down, a breast lift can help rejuvenate your chest and restore your confidence.

What Procedures Can Be Combined With a Breast Lift?

While the breast lift works wonderfully as a standalone procedure for women who are happy with the current size of their breasts, it can also be an excellent add-on to other breast surgeries.

Breast Augmentation

One of the most commonly performed breast surgeries is breast augmentation. This is an ideal option for women who want to increase the size of their breasts. Whether you’ve always had naturally small breasts or if your breasts have lost volume after pregnancy, breast augmentation can make your breasts larger and improve their shape. Breast augmentation uses silicone or saline implants to increase the volume and reshape the breasts. Many women choose to have their breast augmentation with a breast lift for perky, full breasts.

Breast Implant Revision & Removal

Breast augmentation is often a successful and satisfying procedure for many women; however, there are times when complications arise. Implant complications can happen to anyone with breast implants and will result in the need for the implants to be removed. In cases when there are complications, explant and en bloc breast implant removal can remove the implants and scar tissue from the initial breast surgery. Some women also choose to remove their implants with this method, even if they don’t experience implant complications. When implants are removed, the breasts are more susceptible to sagging due to the excess breast tissue, which is why a breast lift can be a great addition.

In other instances, some women may change their minds about the size, type, or placement of their implants. Breast revision is a great option for women who still want to have augmented breasts but wish to change their implants to different options.

Breast Reduction

For women who experience pain and other inconveniences due to naturally larger breasts, breast reduction surgery can be a solution. Breast reduction removes excess breast tissue to make the breasts a more manageable size. It can also correct breast asymmetry and improve your physical and emotional comfort. A breast lift pairs wonderfully with a reduction, elevating the newly sized breasts to eliminate a droopy appearance.

Schedule Your Breast Lift Consultation in  San Diego, CA

To learn more about your breast lift options and what surgeries you can combine to achieve the look you want, call us at (858) 365-3558 or fill out our online contact form today.