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Your Ultimate Breast Augmentation Recovery Timeline

Breast Augmentation

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There’s a reason that breast augmentation was one of the five most performed surgical cosmetic procedures in 2020. With this transformative operation, women can finally realize larger, fuller, and more shapely breasts. 

While the results are stunning, and women can return to their daily activities shortly after surgery, breast augmentation requires some downtime. 

Whether you have breast augmentation surgery or you choose to combine a breast lift (mastopexy) with your augmentation, you can expect up to four to six weeks of recovery, with results taking anywhere from three to four months to become final. 

We have created the timeline below to understand what to expect after your breast augmentation surgery.

What to Expect During Each Stage of Breast Augmentation Recovery  

The Night After Your Surgery

You will feel extremely tired following your procedure. This is due to the anesthesia wearing off and the fact that your body has undergone an invasive procedure. You can also expect swelling, bruising, tightness, and soreness in your chest.

Not only will you need to have someone drive you home, but they should also stay with you for the first 24 hours.

Day Two to Five

You will start to see some bruising and swelling dissipate, though this process will take time. It is important that you avoid strenuous activities, but you should take short, slow walks to promote blood circulation. Make sure you listen to your body and do not push yourself too much. 

During this first week, rest as much as possible, eat healthy foods, and drink plenty of water. You can expect some discomfort, but pain medications can help.

Starting the day after your procedure, you will need to wear a surgical bra made of a soft and comfortable material that applies compression and support to the breast implants and breast tissue. Wear this compression garment day and night, except when you are showering. 

Do not wear underwire bras during your recovery period. These wires can irritate the incisions and skin and create larger, more noticeable scars.

Weeks Two and Three

You will start to see some of your breast augmentation results, but your implants will still sit high on your chest. This is normal since your skin and breast tissue are tight from the procedure. 

During weeks two and three, it is important that you get yourself up and moving. You can take longer walks, cycle on a stationary bike, and do light stretching. However, continue to refrain from strenuous activities or exercises (including lifting heavy objects). 

Weeks Four to Six

After a month, you can begin different types of exercise, including jogging and cycling. Continue to wear sports bras or supportive wire-free bras, and be sure to attend all follow-up appointments.

Most of the bruising and swelling will have subsided, though your implants may still be high on your chest.

Months Two to Four

This is usually the “drop and fluff” stage of your recovery. 

During this stage, your breast implants will drop to a lower, more natural position on the chest and fill out (the fluff portion) to give you the larger, fuller breasts you desire.

Months Six and 12

You will have follow-up appointments at the 6-month and 12-month marks. During these appointments, your results will be evaluated. By this time, you should be completely recovered. 

Want to Learn More About Breast Augmentation?

At Coastal Plastic Surgeons in San Diego, our professional cosmetic surgeons are knowledgeable and skilled in breast augmentation surgery as well as other cosmetic procedures. We pride ourselves in helping our patients achieve the look and feel they’ve always wanted.

For more information or to set up a consultation, contact Coastal Plastic Surgeons by calling (858) 365-3558 or filling out our online contact form.