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How to Carry Your Summer Skin Rejuvenation into the New Season

Face, Skin

The transition from summer to fall may be very noticeable for other parts of the country, while our climate transition in Southern California is not very dramatic. However, though our temperature may not change much, our skin knows the immediate difference in the season. Dewy summer skin turns dry and cracked, the damage from the summer sun begins to show and a flaky scalp is very common during this time.

Though dealing with the effect the weather has on your skin can be a challenge, there are things you can do to improve your chances of skipping the hassle altogether.

Cosmetic Skin Treatments & Aftercare

It is very common for patients to spend the summer on cosmetic skin treatments, as it is the period with the most available time. However, many people forget about the aftercare for these treatments, which can result in disaster for the change in season. Be sure to follow your doctor’s orders, especially in the case of laser skin resurfacing.

As this procedure can remove the outer layers of the skin, keeping the region hydrated and clean is your main priority. You can do so by applying ointment like Aquaphor until the raw look fades from the skin. Apply moisturizer daily that contains sunscreen in order to avoid sun damage on fresh skin. Further, as your skin continues to heal and develop its outer barrier, coconut oil can be helpful in maintaining moisture and removing bacteria from your face.

Seasonal Skincare Regiment Transition

You might notice that the skincare products you use in the summer have an adverse affect on your fall and winter skin. Many people change their routines seasonally, as your skin changes significantly with the weather. While a light moisturizer might hold up in the summer, it is common that you will need a thicker daily lotion in the fall and winter to provide moisture and a barrier for your skin.

Harsh exfoliating cleansers that clean off the summer’s active days may be switched for a more gentle, foaming wash that won’t irritate your skin. Though it might seem counter-intuitive, as your skin acts out and becomes irritated in the coming months, using harsh products will only make it worse. Choose gentle scrubs and lots of moisture to ensure the easiest transition.

Fall Foods for Healthy Skin

Fall foods might sound like a Thanksgiving feast, but many of these seasonal favorites are good for your skin and can help improve how it reacts to the change in weather. Some of our favorites include:

  • Pumpkin seeds contain zinc, which is known to be an active part of cell renewal, helping to protect your skin against bacteria and infection. These seeds also contain beta carotene to give your skin its natural glow while protecting it from the sun.
  • Beets help you to prevent signs of aging like fine lines & wrinkles and help you avoid allergic reactions, irritation and eczema.
  • Brussels sprouts are rich in vitamin C, which helps improve your skin’s laxity and texture while evening tone.

This year, make the transition from summer to fall easy on your skin. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about a procedure that can improve your skin’s appearance, call Coastal Plastic Surgeons today: (858) 365-3558.