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How to Customize Your Mommy Makeover for the Hot Mom Bod You Want!

Mommy Makeover

Pregnancy can cause many undesirable body changes, making it difficult to restore your pre-pregnancy body and have you feeling back to your usual self. A Mommy Makeover is a combination of procedures aimed at helping restore your body to how it was before giving birth. Mommy Makeovers are incredibly customizable and can involve many different procedures that tackle your individual goals.

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Ready to get your Mommy Makeover but need clarification on what procedures it entails? Mommy Makeovers are one of the most customizable plastic surgery procedures out there. Typically, a Mommy Makeover consists of a tummy tuck, liposuction, and breast surgery. However, everyone has their own definition of a hot mom bod, and depending on the current state of your body and your aesthetic goals, you may be interested in a few other procedures.

Common Mommy Makeover Procedures

If you’re looking for the traditional Mommy Makeover experience, the tummy tuck, liposuction, and breast procedures target removing excess fat, sculpting the body contours, and reshaping or lifting the breasts. These procedures tackle areas of the body—the stomach and breasts—that are most affected by pregnancy.

Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure that can dramatically change the appearance of your abdominal area. After giving birth, the abdominal skin doesn’t always return to its original condition; muscle laxity and excess skin tend to linger, and no amount of diet or exercise can correct these changes. Tummy tucks can tighten loose stomach muscles, make the tummy firmer, reshape the waistline, and create slimmer body contours.

There are different types of tummy tucks, and the kind you’ll get depends on how much excess skin you have and your body goals. The traditional tummy tuck is known as the full tummy tuck, the mini tummy tuck is best for people who don’t have as much excess abdominal skin to remove, and the extended tummy tuck is an excellent option for those with an abundance of excess skin.


Liposuction is one of the best ways to tighten skin and create slimmer body contours. A wide range of body areas can be treated with liposuction, including the abdomen, waistline, bra line, hips, and buttocks. The arms, legs, and face may also be areas where you can get liposuction.

For a Mommy Makeover, many women opt for liposuction in the abdomen, waistline, and bra line areas, as these body parts tend to be the most impacted by pregnancy. Liposuction eliminates stubborn excess fat, tightens sagging skin, smooths out body contours, and gives a more structured, sculpted body shape.

Breast Augmentation

For many women who have lost volume after pregnancy and breastfeeding or for those with naturally small breasts, a breast augmentation can transform their figure. Breast implants enhance the shape of the breasts and also increase their volume and firmness.

Breast Lift

After pregnancy, many women deal with deflated and sagging breasts. A breast lift can be added to your Mommy Makeover procedure to give the breasts a perkier and more youthful appearance and restore any symmetry or position issues. In your Mommy Makeover, you can combine your breast lift with a breast augmentation.

Additional Mommy Makeover Options

A Mommy Makeover is all about restoring your pre-pregnancy body and giving you the body you want. If there are other areas of your body that you want to make changes to, discuss those with your surgeon during a consultation. It’s essential to be honest with your surgeon during your consultation and discuss your aesthetic body goals thoroughly so they can let you know what procedures will best work for you.

Aesthetic Vaginal Surgery

Giving birth can cause the inner or outer labia to increase in size or grow extra tissue, which can be aesthetically unappealing and cause uncomfortable chafing and discomfort during sex. Labiaplasty, or aesthetic vaginal surgery, is a great option for women who deal with these problems.

Arm Lift & Thigh Lift

Excess skin on the arms and thighs may be an additional concern for women who lose significant weight after pregnancy. Arm lifts and thigh lifts can be performed together or separately and will smooth and contour these areas of the body.

Want to Learn More About Mommy Makeovers in San Diego, CA?

To learn more about your Mommy Makeover options in San Diego, CA, call (858) 365-3558 to schedule an in-person or virtual consultation. You can also fill out our online contact form.