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Losing Youthfulness After Losing Weight

GBRX Facelift/Neck Lift

Losing weight is a fantastic thing both externally and internally. Not only will your clothes fit you the way you want, but it will give you better health and the confidence to let your true self shine. The one downside to losing weight, especially a substantial amount of weight, is that your skin may not bounce back the way that it once did. Even though a slimmer and more svelte figure will make you look years younger, the process of weight loss may leave telling signs of aging such as sagging or wrinkled skin. This can especially be true on the face and neck.

The Effects of Weight Loss on the Face

Most people automatically assume the worst when they hear the word fat. The one thing you don’t want anywhere on your body, and in the case of people desiring to lose a couple of pounds, it’s fat that they want to rid themselves of. However, ironically enough, when it comes to your face, the specially placed areas of fat are what give you a youthful glow and contour. As we age, we lose the plumpness we rely on, especially around the mid face, and as a result, our cheeks may appear sunken and hollow. Losing a substantial amount of weight will unfortunately only speed up that process. In addition to that, any extra weight that was in the face and neck may have stretched the fragile skin in those areas, leaving you feeling that you appear older rather than younger. Although this result may not sound ideal, the great news is it can be easily fixed, and the results you leave with will perfectly balance and match the weight loss results that you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

What Procedure Is the Best for Me?

If you are noticing significant wrinkling, sagging, or flabbiness in the face and neck area after losing weight, you are likely a perfect candidate for the GBRX Facelift/Necklift. At Coastal Plastic Surgeons, the staff has years of expertise and experience in treating patients who are dissatisfied with their aging appearance after weight loss. The treatment will target facial wrinkling, sagging skin, jowls, and vertical banding in the face and neck, and the results are sure to leave you feeling like you can finally enjoy your beautiful and hard-earned transformation.